OCP Welcomes Ministry Consultation on Expanding Scope of Practice

Posted:Jul 30th, 2024
Read Time: < 1 Min Read

The College welcomes the Health Minister’s announcement this week that the government is preparing to consult with its partners as it explores further expanding the scope of practice for Ontario’s pharmacy professionals.

OCP, which regulates pharmacies, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the public interest, is looking forward to working collaboratively with the Ministry as it prepares for and implements its consultation following this important announcement. OCP is also looking forward to making its own submission through this consultation which will reinforce support for expanded scope while emphasizing that any such changes must be implemented in a way that enables pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to deliver the safe, quality and ethical care that they want to provide to their patients as regulated healthcare professionals.

Our position is consistent with the recommendations made to the Minister by OCP’s Board of Directors in September 2023 and our commitment to responding to the feedback provided to us by registrants as we aim to achieve one of OCP’s four strategic goals: regardless of practice setting, management and business exigencies do not compromise the health and well-being of pharmacy professionals or impede their ability to adhere to the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

We anticipate that the government will post its consultation on its regulation registry website sometime in August and will support the Ministry’s efforts to promote the consultation once it is open. In the meantime, it is important to note that the Ministry has not yet asked OCP to draft any regulations connected to this announcement.

OCP will keep its registrants and system partners informed with any updates as they are available.



Yes, we welcome the Ministry’s efforts to explore and consult on expanded scope of practice which is consistent with recommendations submitted to the Minister in late 2023. We also welcome the Ministry’s focus on improving the MedsCheck program, an important and valuable program to support patient safety in the province.

No. We are several steps away from being asked to draft, and then subsequently submit, regulations required to enable the scope of practice changes included in the Ministry’s announcement.

OCP is not aware of any timelines for when we might be asked to draft regulations or when any changes included in the Ministry’s announcement will subsequently be implemented.

Yes. As their scope of practice expands and as their contributions to the healthcare system and health and well-being of Ontario patients grows, pharmacy professionals must be able to meet their professional and ethical obligations at all times and be given the opportunity to deliver the kind of care they want to provide their patients. And we will continue to uphold our zero tolerance for corporate pressures, PPNs and other payer-directed models that get in the way of the delivery of ethical and quality pharmacy care

The College takes very seriously its role as a regulator that makes decisions in the public interest and its commitment to take the necessary steps to address the practice environment pressures that have been reported to us by registrants, while enabling regulated pharmacy professionals to play an increasingly important role as collaborative members of a patient’s healthcare team.