e-Learning Modules- Jurisprudence, Ethics and Professionalism exam

The College developed educational learning tools to provide support for learning and understanding Jurisprudence. They support candidates who are preparing to write the Jurisprudence, Ethics and Professionalism exam, students who are learning the legislation, and College registrants as a source of continuing education. They are self-directed modules that review some key principles and topics of the legislation but are not intended as stand-alone courses or substitutes for reading the legislation and practice policies and guidelines.

e-Learning Modules

Please note that the Jurisprudence learning module is only a tool to support learning the legislation and is not a comprehensive study resource. It is important to refer to the official legislation for more detailed and current information.

Tips for Navigation

Here are tips for using the learning module:

  • You may go through the module at your own pace and on your own schedule
  • The menu (located on the left side) will show where you are in the module
  • The “next” button (located on the bottom right corner) will advance the module to the next slide
  • Some slides require you to click on buttons or tabs to view more information before advancing Be sure there are no unread tabs on the page you are viewing before advancing to the next slide; click ‘next’ only after having viewed all the tabs to avoid missing information
  • The “pause” button will temporarily stop the presentation

The modules are also compatible with most mobile devices.