Results of the Exam
To successfully complete the exam, a candidate’s performance must meet or exceed the final pass score that is set using a criterion-referenced pass/fail standard that represents the minimum performance level for entry-to-practice. The pass score varies with each exam based on the questions that are selected using the Examination Blueprint and reflects the overall level of difficulty of that particular exam. This process helps standardize different sittings of the exam.
A pass or fail result is based only on the individual candidate’s performance compared to the pass score; a candidate’s performance is not compared to any other candidate’s performance. There is no pre-set pass/fail quota for the examination and no built-in passing or failing rate (i.e., no “bell curving”).
For more information, please refer to the Examination Blueprint page.
Release of Results
Results will be released within four – five weeks from the exam date. Candidates will be notified by email when the results are available, and can access their results by logging into their online profile. Results will not be provided by telephone.
Unsuccessful Candidates
Candidates who fail the exam will receive a performance profile with their overall score and their individual scores on the different sections of the Exam as listed on the Examination Blueprint. The profile indicates the candidate’s areas of strengths and areas for improvement to provide guidance in preparing for their next attempt at the Exam. After reviewing their performance profile, the candidate may book an appointment to speak with a registration advisor to discuss their exam performance and receive support in moving forward with meeting this requirement.
Limit on Number of Re-Attempts
Candidates may only take the exam three times in any 24-month period. A candidate who has failed the exam three times will not be able to take the exam again until they have spoken with a registration advisor.
If you have questions about the Jurisprudence, Ethics and Professionalism exam e-mail