Boundary Violations and Sexual Abuse Policy
Centralized Prescription Processing (Central Fill)
Cross-Jurisdictional Pharmacy Services Policy
Designated Manager – Medication Procurement and Inventory Management
Designated Manager – Professional Supervision of Pharmacy Personnel
Designated Manager – Required Signage in a Community Pharmacy Policy
Distribution of Medication Samples
Faxed Transmission of Prescriptions
Fees for Professional Pharmacy Services
Medical Directives and the Delegation of Controlled Acts
Restocking of Drugs used for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) during COVID-19 Policy
Supervision of Pharmacy Personnel Policy
Treating Self and Family Members
Guidelines outline more detail around the expectations of a Standard and relevant legislation and how to apply the Standard and/or legislation to support optimal practice. Guidelines are meant as references to be used alongside, not in place of, the Standards and/or legislation. Operational guidelines outline optimal operations of a pharmacy.
Administering a Substance by Inhalation
Administering a Substance by Injection
Dispensing Components Included in the Usual and Customary Fee
Ending the Pharmacist-Patient Relationship
Extending the Beyond-Use Dates for Sterile Preparations
Pharmacist Prescribing: Initiating, Adapting & Renewing Prescriptions
Multi-Medication Compliance Aids
Piercing the Dermis for Demonstration and Point-of-Care Tests
Record Retention, Disclosure, and Disposal
Guidance provides information that articulates or supports the College’s expectations in practice for topics/areas that are developing or emerging and will likely be changing in the future. They are based on the circumstances and context at the time they are published.
Providing COVID-19 Services in Community Pharmacies
Prescribing and Providing Controlled Substances during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Accreditation and Operation of a Pharmacy
Dispensing or Selling Naloxone
Operation of a Remote Dispensing Location
A conceptual structure intended to support or guide the building of an approach or an objective. It can set out the conditions required to achieve the desired performance or outcome, and often ensures the inclusion of guiding principles in its approach.
Improving the Safety and Security of Controlled Substances in Hospital High Risk Areas
Position Statements
Position statements outline the College’s regulatory or policy stance on emerging issues around a specific area of practice. Position statements can change as they are based on the circumstances and context at the time they are published.
Authenticity of Prescriptions using Unique Identifiers for Prescribers