Board Approves Regulation Amendments Enabling Pharmacists to Prescribe for Six Additional Minor Ailments

Posted:Mar 24th, 2023
Read Time: 2 Min Read

Following a request from the Minister of Health, the OCP Board approved proposed amendments to Regulation 202/94 of the Pharmacy Act, 1991 Part VII.3 (Controlled Acts) that would enable pharmacists to prescribe for six additional minor ailments that were previously recommended by the Minor Ailment Advisory Group (MAAG). Those additional minor ailments are:

  • Acne (mild)
  • Aphthous ulcers (canker sores)
  • Diaper dermatitis
  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis (yeast infection)
  • Pinworms and threadworms
  • Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy

The Board also agreed to seek the Minister’s approval to waive the required 60-day public consultation period for the proposed regulation change given the extensive consultation performed previously on the original list of minor ailments approved by the Board. If granted, the proposed amendments would be submitted to the Minister.

Should consultation be required, the College will proceed with a consultation and registrants, system partners and the public will be notified promptly; the Board will subsequently be provided with a summary for their consideration prior to submission. Government approval is required for regulations to come into effect.

Development of any additional practice guidance, including treatment algorithms, will be initiated immediately and shared with stakeholders well in advance of the new authority coming into effect. The College anticipates an implementation date of fall 2023 which would provide enough time to ensure treatment algorithms are updated appropriately, and give the profession time to prepare by reviewing updated practice resources or by taking any additional courses on minor ailments.

In the meantime, additional information related to the Board’s approval of the regulation is available in the Board materials package starting on page 111.

Future minor ailment prescribing
As requested by the Minister, the College will also initiate the process to re-engage the MAAG to explore the addition of further minor ailments, including those that may require additional scope of practice expansion to support safe and effective prescribing, and prepare recommendations for Board consideration in the fall of 2023, prior to submission to the Minister. Further information on this work will be communicated with registrants and system partners as it becomes available.

Check out the Minor Ailments page on our website.