To ensure pharmacists fully understand their ethical, legal, and professional obligations when prescribing for minor ailments, a scope of practice regulatory change effective as of January 1, 2023, the College has developed a mandatory Orientation for Minor Ailments Prescribing module.
Part A pharmacists MUST complete the module before prescribing for minor ailments. Part A pharmacists who choose not to prescribe for minor ailments as of January 1, 2023 must still complete the mandatory orientation module no later than December 31, 2023.
The orientation module is available at no cost and should take approximately one hour to complete.
Attestation of Completion
All Part A pharmacists will need to attest that they have completed the required orientation. There are two options:
- Attest to completion during either the 2023 or 2024 annual renewal process, depending upon the date the module was completed; or
- Login to the OCP Registrant Portal, click the Authorized Training tab at the top of the page, and then click the link in the instructions to view the list of expanded scope training available to you. The Add New button will allow you to attest to completing the Minor Ailments Orientation and add a declaration of completion to your registrant profile.
For assistance declaring completion of the module, please contact Registrant Applications and Renewals at 416-962-4861 ext. 3400 or by email.