Yes. Pharmacists can only prescribe a drug in listed in Column 3 of Schedule 4 for the respective minor ailment, even if it is in a combination product. Each drug found in the combination must be listed in Schedule 4; this was taken into consideration when the proposed regulations were submitted to the Ministry.
No. Pharmacists are only authorized to prescribe the specified drugs listed in Column 3. At this time, expert clinical opinion advises against prescribing high-potency topical corticosteroids and ophthalmic fluoroquinolones for their respective minor ailments, and as such, they are not listed in Column 3.
At the time the medications associated with the minor ailments were being identified, the intent of using drug categories was to have the flexibility to prescribe the most up-to-date medications available on the market. With a list of drugs written into the regulations, adding any new drugs to the Schedule would require going through the regulatory amendment process.
Due to concerns the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) raised about acquiring a license to utilize the AHFS classification system, which is a proprietary product, the College submitted drug lists for all of the previous and new minor ailments as part of these amendments.