Annual Registrant Renewal Due March 10 - READ MORE  
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Interprofessional Collaboration

Consultation within the interprofessional team is essential to facilitate seamless and quality patient care. Pharmacy professionals are expected to develop constructive, cooperative relationships with colleagues and other healthcare professionals to support safe and effective therapy for patients.

When referring patients to another healthcare professional, such as when the patient requires care beyond a registrant’s scope or the limits of their individual competence, the relevant patient information for a safe and effective transition of care must be provided.

Registrants have an ethical obligation to challenge the judgment of other members of the interprofessional team if they have good reason to believe that their decisions or actions could adversely affect patient care (Principle of Non Maleficence: Standard 2.5). Trust in the care provided by other health professionals must be balanced with critical evaluation (Principle of Accountability: Standard 4.8).