All registrants engaged in the practice of the profession—Part A pharmacists, Part A pharmacy technicians, interns, intern technicians, pharmacists (emergency assignment) and pharmacy technicians (emergency assignment)—are required to maintain personal professional liability insurance (PPLI) coverage as specified in the OCP By-Law.
Insurance Policy Requirements
The insurance policy must have a minimum of $2,000,000 per claim or per occurrence and $4,000,000 in the annual aggregate.
The insured services covered by the policy must include all professional services in the practice of the profession as regulated by the College.
Please see the OCP By-Law for further requirements.
Confirmation or Proof of Coverage
When applying to register with the Ontario College of Pharmacists, applicants (except for Part B applicants) must complete a declaration confirming that they have obtained and will maintain PPLI while registered with the College. Applicants are not required to submit a copy of their PPLI policy unless directed by the College.
During Annual Renewal (late January to March 10), Part A pharmacists and Part A pharmacy technicians must confirm that they have maintained their PPLI coverage. Interns, intern technicians and emergency assignment registrants do not complete the annual renewal process; they must ensure their PPLI coverage remains valid while they are registered with the College.
The College may request proof of PPLI and a copy of the registrant’s PPLI policy at any time.