Closing a College Accredited Hospital Pharmacy

A hospital pharmacy is defined as any location where drugs are stored, compounded, dispensed, supplied from or supplied for hospital patients (by a hospital, in premises located in a hospital, whether inpatient or outpatient).

A hospital pharmacy is considered closed if either of the below requirements is met:

Operators who wish to permanently close an accredited hospital pharmacy must notify the College prior to the proposed closing date and subsequently file a closing statement detailing the disposition of narcotics and controlled drugs, prescription and non-prescription drugs and patient records.

Step 1: Contact the College

Email the hospital operation advisor to discuss site logistics and anticipated closing date at

Step 2: Submit a Notice of Intent

A notice of intent or a completed Hospital Pharmacy Closing Statement must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the closing of a College-accredited hospital pharmacy and must include the following details:

  1. The name of the hospital pharmacy
  2. The accreditation number of the hospital pharmacy
  3. The address of the hospital pharmacy
  4. The name of the corporation which operates the hospital pharmacy
  5. The closing date (first full day the hospital pharmacy will be closed)

Notice may be submitted by email to, faxed to 416-847-8399 or mailed to the Ontario College of Pharmacists to the attention of Pharmacy Applications & Renewals at 483 Huron St, Toronto, ON M5R 2R4.

Step 3: Closing Day

On closing day, the College will connect with the Hospital Designated Contact to confirm whether the hospital pharmacy has officially closed. Once confirmed, the hospital pharmacy’s status on the College’s Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional tool will be updated to “Closed”.

Step 4: Filing a Pharmacy Closing Statement

A Hospital Pharmacy Closing Statement must be completed and filed with the College within 30 days of the hospital pharmacy closing unless previously submitted as part of Step 1 above.

If you have any questions, send an email to or call 416-962-4861 ext. 3600