Emergency Assignment Registration

Latest Update August 12, 2024

At its August 9, 2024, meeting the College Board of Directors passed a motion to close the emergency assignment class of registration, effective immediately. The College is no longer processing applications for emergency assignment registration for pharmacists or pharmacy technicians. Existing emergency assignment registration certificate holders have a transition period to move into another College class of registration.

Emergency assignment pharmacists

  • If you hold a pharmacist (emergency assignment) certificate of registration, you have until November 10, 2024, to transition into another class of registration. You can continue to work as a pharmacist (emergency assignment) until November 10, 2024, or you transition to another class of registration, whichever comes first.
  • The application fee for a pharmacist certificate of registration will be waived. Applicants are required to pay the “new applicant registration” fee. See the schedule of fees (Application and Issuance Fees) for details.

Emergency assignment pharmacy technicians

  • If you hold a pharmacy technician (emergency assignment) certificate of registration, you have until August 10, 2025, to transition into another class of registration. You can continue to work as a pharmacy technician (emergency assignment) until August 10, 2025, or you transition to another class of registration, whichever comes first. Intern technician certificates of registration will be available as of October 1, 2024.
  • The application fee for a pharmacy technician certificate of registration will be waived. Applicants are required to pay the “new applicant registration” fee. See the schedule of fees (Application and Issuance Fees) for details.

The Board decision was informed by a new policy that was passed at their August 9 meeting that sets out the expectations on how the Board will determine when to open and close the emergency assignment class(es) of registration.

How Emergency Assignment Registration works

In the event of an emergency situation that the College or the government of Ontario believes will require increased availability of pharmacy professionals able to practise to full scope in order to maintain sufficient access to pharmacy services for the public, the College may issue emergency assignment certificates of registration for pharmacists and/or pharmacy technicians. General Regulation 202/94 under the Pharmacy Act, 1991 allows the Registrar to issue these emergency assignment certificates of registration.

Activation of Emergency Assignment Certificates of Registration

Certificates of registration for pharmacists (emergency assignment or “EA”) and pharmacy technicians (emergency assignment or “EA”) will only be valid if:

  • The College or the government of Ontario determines a need to issue these certificates of registration, and
  • The Registrar has issued these certificates.

A certificate of registration as a pharmacist (EA) or pharmacy technician (EA) expires in 60 days. The Registrar may extend EA certificates of registration if required for one or more periods of up to 60 days to ensure Ontarians have access to adequate numbers of qualified, skilled and competent regulated pharmacy professionals.

The Registrar may also revoke an EA certificate of registration. Revocation of an EA certificate will become effective immediately.

Once the government or the Registrar have determined there is no longer a need for EA registration, no new EA certificates will be issued.


The pharmacist (EA) applicant must:


  • Currently be registered in good standing and practicing as a pharmacist in Canada or the United States of America,


  • Have been registered in good standing and practiced as a pharmacist in Canada or the United States of America within the three years prior to submitting their application for an EA certificate of registration.

The pharmacy technician (EA) applicant must:

  • Have met the education requirement to register as a pharmacy technician by having:
    • Graduated from a CCAPP-accredited pharmacy education program within the two years prior to submitting their application; or
    • Graduated from an ACPE-accredited pharmacy degree program within the two years prior to submitting their application; or
    • Graduated from a PEBC-recognized pharmacy education program and successfully completed within the two years prior to submitting their application:
      • Parts 1 and 2 of the PEBC Qualifying Exam for Pharmacy Technicians on their first attempt of each, or
      • The International Pharmacy Graduates Program (IPG Program), or
      • All required bridging education;


  • Currently be registered in good standing and practicing as a pharmacy technician in Canada (except Quebec),


  • Have been registered in good standing and practiced as a pharmacy technician in Canada (except Quebec) within the three years prior to submitting their application.

The pharmacist (EA) or pharmacy technician (EA) applicant must also meet the registration requirements for language proficiency and good character, and have Canadian citizenship or legal status in Canada and personal professional liability insurance.

The EA registrant may or may not have successfully completed the Jurisprudence, Ethics and Professionalism exam, the relevant Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada’s Qualifying Exam, or the College’s practice-based assessment of competence.

Registration Process

To apply for an EA certificate of registration, the applicant must submit the application provided below that is most relevant to them, and all required supporting documentation outlined on the application form that will be available while EA registration is open.

There are no fees for EA registration.

Expected application processing times for EA registration is typically 20 business days (may be longer due to peak processing periods or due to high volume of applications received).


Mandatory Reporting of Workplace(s) and Supervising Pharmacist(s)

Like all pharmacy practitioners, EA registrants must inform the College in writing of their workplace(s).

Since pharmacists (EA) and pharmacy technicians (EA) may not have successfully completed the Jurisprudence, Ethics and Professionalism exam, the relevant Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada’s Qualifying Exam or the College’s practice-based assessment of competence, their practice must be supervised by a pharmacist listed in Part A of the College’s Public Register. The College’s expectations for pharmacists supervising pharmacists (EA) or pharmacy technicians (EA) are outlined in the Supervision of Pharmacy Personnel Policy.

The pharmacist (EA) or pharmacy technician (EA) must report to the College using this form their intended workplace(s) and supervising pharmacist(s) before beginning to practise at the practice site.

Scope of Practice

The pharmacist (EA) or pharmacy technician (EA) will be able to practise to the full scope of their certificate of registration. A pharmacist (EA) cannot be the Designated Manager of a pharmacy.

EA registrants who have the required injection training [and for pharmacists (EA) valid certification in CPR and First Aid] may administer the COVID-19 vaccine if they, have been engaged to do so by an organization or other entity that has an agreement with the Minister of Health, and may administer the influenza vaccine under the Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP) to patients two years of age or older. EA registrants must register their injection training with the College on their EA registration application form or on this injection training reporting form for EA registrants. The Part A pharmacist supervising the EA registrant administering either of these injections must meet the expectations outlined in this guidance document, and does not have to be physically present.

If an EA registrant holds another certificate of registration (e.g., intern, Part B pharmacist), the terms, conditions and limitations of that other certificate shall not apply while the registrant has an EA certificate of registration.

Professional Designation

While working in a pharmacy or any other environment where patient care is being provided, the EA registrant must clearly identify themselves as a pharmacist (emergency assignment) or pharmacy technician (emergency assignment).

Extending Emergency Assignment Certificates of Registration

EA registration will automatically extend every 60 days until further notice. Note the College no longer sends out individual renewal notifications to EA registrants. A list of EA registrants is available on the College website – all registrants listed are eligible to provide care.

Like all pharmacy practitioners, EA registrants must:

If an EA registrant no longer has the required PPLI or work authorization, or no longer wishes to be registered as an EA registrant, they must notify the College in writing at registrantservices@ocpinfo.com and cease practising.

EA registrants will not be eligible for an extension of their EA certificate of registration if:

  • They have fully registered as a pharmacist or as a pharmacy technician
  • They no longer have PPLI
  • They are no longer entitled to work in Ontario
  • The Registrar has revoked their EA certificate of registration
  • In the opinion of the Registrar, there is evidence to suggest the EA registrant is not suitable for EA registration with the College.

College Contact: registrantservices@ocpinfo.com / regprograms@ocpinfo.com

Legislative Reference: