Quality Indicators Data & Resources
The College is committed to demonstrating transparency and supporting registrants in the delivery of safe, high quality pharmacy care. Registrants are encouraged to use the tool below alongside information and data from their own practice to better understand the quality of care they provide.
While the data does not provide information about any one pharmacy, the tool helps identify regional and provincial trends that can help registrants and teams focus their efforts when developing continuous quality improvement initiatives in their own practice. The College does not have access to any pharmacy specific data, and the data tool and resources are only intended to support the sector in gaining a better understanding of pharmacy’s impact on patient and system outcomes and driving quality improvement.
This tool reports data from the first three Quality Indicators for community pharmacy on appropriateness of dispensed medications, medication-related hospital visits, and transitions of care.
A snapshot of the 2022 Provider Experience data is available, and options for collecting data on the Patient/Caregiver-Reported Experience indicators are being explored.
The data from this tool is available here.
All data for these indicators were obtained from the Ministry of Health, and provided by year for 2015-2021. The detailed technical notes for the data, such as indicator definitions, inclusion criteria and data sources are available here. Any questions related to the technical specifications or data can be sent to policyteam@ocpinfo.com.