The following articles have been republished from the College’s Pharmacy Connection magazine.
Administering Injections
Pharmacists Now Authorized to Administer Additional Vaccines (Winter 2017)
5 Things to Know About Administering Vaccines (Winter 2017)
Vaccine Medication Incidents in the Community (ISMP) (Winter 2016)
Protecting the Cold Chain (Part II) (Winter 2013)
Protecting the Cold Chain (Part I) (Spring 2012)
Ask a Practice Consultant
Responsibilities of Designated Managers (May 2022)
Navigating Drug Scheduling in Ontario (March 2022)
Disclosing Personal Health Information (October 2021)
When Might Connecting to a College Practice Consultant Be Beneficial to You? (March 2019)
Close-up On Complaints/Practice Insight
A Satisfactory Resolution to a Complaint About Communication (September 2023)
Ending the Pharmacists Patient Relationship (May 2023)
Privacy Breaches and the Circle of Care (January2023)
Learning from Common Complaints to the College (October 2022)
Registrant-Patient Communication (April 2022)
Administering Vaccinations (December 2021)
Preventing Dispensing Errors (November 2021)
Advertising (September 2021)
Responsibilities of Designated Managers (Summer 2021)
Avoiding Confirmation Bias (Winter/Spring 2021)
Recognizing and Responding to Red Flags (Fall 2020)
Providing Respectful, Patient-Focused Care (Spring/Summer 2020)
The Importance of Clear Communication and Attention to Detail (Winter 2020)
Practicing within the Ethical Standards of the Profession (Fall 2019)
Leaving a Pharmacy Unattended (Summer 2019)
Inherent Risks of Copying a Prescription (Winter 2019)
Effective Communication Benefits Staff And Patients (Fall 2018)
Considering All Relevant Circumstances In Decision Making (Summer 2018)
A Fundamental Duty to Put the Patient’s Wellbeing First (Spring 2018)
Protecting Patient Privacy (Winter 2018)
Taking Appropriate Care When Handling Opioid Prescriptions (Fall 2017)
Ensuring the Appropriate Therapy for the Appropriate Patient (Summer 2017)
Avoiding Actual or Perceived Conflicts of Interest in Business Dealings (Spring 2017)
A Shared Responsibility for Ethical and Effective Pharmacy Services (Winter 2017)
Pharmacy Technicians – Professional Responsibilities and Standards of Practice (Fall 2016)
Ethical Consideration and Clear and Transparent Communication Key when Offering Professional Pharmacy Services (Summer 2016)
Sexual Abuse of a Patient (Summer 2016)
Medication Reconciliation Key in Transfer of Care (Spring 2016)
Dealing with Dispensing Errors: How Effective Communications Can Help
(Winter 2016)
The Importance of Sensitivity & Communication (Fall 2015)
Systematic Dispensing Error (Spring 2015)
Coroner’s Reports
Coroner’s Investigation into Death of an Elderly Alzheimer’s Patient Complicated by Anticholinergic Burden (Summer 2022)
Coroner’s Investigation into the Death of an Elderly Patient on Warfarin Following Blunt Trauma (Summer 2022)
Coroner’s Investigation Into a Death Due to Methadone Toxicity (Spring 2021)
ISMP Canada Bulletin: Unauthorized Access to Methadone in a Community Pharmacy Contributes to Death (Fall 2020)
Be Prepared for Emergencies at the Pharmacy (Fall 2020)
Coroner’s Investigation Into the Death of an Elderly Patient on Dabigatran Therapy (e-Connect, February 6. 2020)
Coroner’s Inquest Into The Death Of An Elderly Patient Attributed to Medication Error During Care Transition (Spring 2019)
Coroner’s Inquest into the Death Of A Hemodialysis Patient On Methotrexate (Fall 2018)
Coroner’s Inquest into the Death of an Elderly Patient on Anticoagulation Therapy (Fall 2017)
High-Risk Patients & High-Risk Medications (Spring 2016)
Coroner’s Inquest into Death Due to Hyperthermia (Summer 2014)
Focus on Error Prevention
The Importance of Pharmacist Interventions (October 2023)
A Series of Missed Opportunities to Prevent a Medication Incident (July 2023)
Near Miss Highlights Importance of Therapeutic Check During Transitions of Care (April 2023)
Impact of Salt Selection in Compounding (November 2022)
Importance of Assessing for Therapeutic Appropriateness (June 2022)
Part I: Preventing Dispensing Errors of Similarly Named Drugs (February 2022)
Part II: Putting AIMS Into Practice – Preventing Dispensing Errors of Similarly Named Drugs (February 2022)
Stock Bottle Dispensing (November 2021)
Importance of Patient Identifiers (Summer 2021)
Extra Care for Pediatric Prescriptions (Winter/Spring 2021)
Errors of Omission (Fall 2020)
Duplication of Drug Therapy (Winter 2020)
The Importance of Patient Assessment (Fall 2019)
Be Aware of Incorrect Auto-Population Instructions (Summer 2019)
Exercise Caution When Dispensing Combination Drug Products (Winter 2019)
Don’t Ignore Computerized Drug Utilization Warnings (Fall 2018)
Failure to Accurately Process Information (Summer 2018)
Similar Packaging (Spring 2018)
Limited Duration of Therapy (Winter 2017)
Determining the Clinical Purpose of a Prescription (Summer 2016)
New Drug Therapy (Winter 2016)
Errors Involving Oral Methotrexate (Fall 2015)
Visual, Hearing or Cognitive Impairment Medications (Summer 2015)
Vaccines (Spring 2014)
Logged Prescriptions (Fall 2013)
Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) (Winter 2013)
Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting: From Guideline to Clinical Practice (Winter 2020)
Implementing the Safe Handling of Oral Anti-Cancer Drugs (OACD) in Community Pharmacies (Summer 2017)
Supporting Continuity of Care for Cancer Patients (Spring 2015)
Language of Regulation (Winter 2014)
The Role of Supervision in Professional Training (Winter 2014)
Ontario’s Physician Assistants: An Update (Fall 2014)
Mandatory Reporting (Summer 2013)
Common Principles for Interprofessional Care (Spring 2013)
Professional Judgment (Fall 2012)
Avoiding Pharmacy Break-ins (November 2009)
Reporting Adverse Reactions to Vaccines and Medications
Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Focus on New Formulations and Alternative Induction Protocols (Spring/Summer 2020)
Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (Winter 2014)
Narcotics Monitoring System & Opioid Maintenance Treatment (Winter 2014)
Importance of Missed Doses in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) (Fall 2013)
Pharmacy Technicians
Making Everyone Better (Fall 2014)
Different Setting, Shared Rewards (Winter 2013)
Pharmacists and Technicians are Teaming up in Ontario Communities (Winter 2012)
Hospital Takes Lead in Regulated Technicians (Summer 2012)
Integration of Pharmacy Technicians Allows for Greater Clinical Focus (Spring 2012)
Prescription Information & Labelling
Keeping Current with Drug Scheduling Changes (Summer 2015)
Compliance Packaging (Part II) (Winter 2011)
Compliance Packaging (Part I) (July 2010)
What Would You Do?
View the Framework for Ethical Decision Making and other Code of Ethics resources
A Patient’s Request for Renewal (Spring 2018)
An Opioid Prescription Raises Questions (Fall 2017)