SPT Practice Site Criteria
First approved: July 2009
Revised: June 2021
Reviewed: May 2023
This policy defines where Structured Practical Training (SPT) may be completed.
Structured Practical Training (SPT) must be completed at a practice site that allows the pharmacy technician applicant to practise within their full scope of practice, and to demonstrate all relevant NAPRA entry-to-practice competencies. The practice site must provide a positive example of practice, and allow for an objective evaluation of the applicant’s performance.
The applicant must submit an SPT application specifying a proposed practice site. College staff will review the proposed site’s eligibility to be a training site, and either process the application or request further information from the proposed SPT preceptor before deciding if the practice site is suitable for SPT. The applicant and the SPT preceptor will be notified of the outcome of the review within 10 business days.
In cases where an applicant wishes to complete their training at two practice sites, the applicant must list both proposed practice sites on his or her SPT application, and provide an explanation why he or she wishes to practise at two sites. College staff will consider the request, and may request additional information. If the request is approved, this policy will apply to both practice sites.
Decision criteria
Full scope of practice
The proposed practice site must:
- Have a pharmacist or a pharmacy technician physically present; and
- Be where dispensing, selling or compounding occurs.
NAPRA Entry-to-Practice Competencies
The proposed practice site must provide sufficient practice opportunities for the applicant to complete all of the activities required in the SPT program.
Positive example of practice
The proposed practice site must:
- Be an accredited pharmacy or hospital pharmacy in Ontario;
- Have no unsatisfied order or action by the Accreditation Committee; and
- Have not had a disciplinary finding against it in the past six years or not currently be the subject of disciplinary proceedings.
Objective evaluation
The proposed practice site must:
- Not have any party associated with the site who has a conflict of interest (e.g., direct or indirect familial relationship, financial or business connection) with the applicant that may compromise the validity of the assessment process; and
- Have an organizational structure that permits an appropriate degree of one-to-one interaction between the applicant and the preceptor (e.g., sufficient staffing and resources).
Possible outcomes
Practice Site Criteria met
If the proposed practice site meets the Decision Criteria, the application will be processed and the applicant will be notified within 10 business days.
Practice Site Criteria not met
If the proposed practice site does not meet the Decision Criteria due to an actual or perceived conflict of interest with or bias related to the applicant, the application will be considered under the criteria established in the College’s SPT Conflict of Interest Policy.
If the proposed practice site does not meet the Decision Criteria due to it being a specialty practice site that cannot provide sufficient practice opportunities for the applicant to complete all of the activities required in the SPT program, College staff will consider a subsequent request to accept this proposed practice site as one of two practice sites where the applicant will complete their training.
If the proposed practice site does not meet the Decision Criteria, the applicant and the SPT preceptor will be notified within 10 business days; If the applicant chooses not to find another practice site, the applicant and preceptor may request further consideration by a panel of the Registration Committee.
College Contact: regprograms@ocpinfo.com