Good Character

When applying to register with the Ontario College of Pharmacists, applicants must declare that their past and present conduct demonstrates they are of good character.

This means, applicants must have:

  • No charges or convictions for an offence in any jurisdiction
  • No findings of professional misconduct in any profession or occupation
  • No findings of incompetence in any profession or occupation
  • No findings of incapacity in any profession or occupation
  • No reason to believe the applicant will not practise with decency, honesty and integrity
Upon Registration

For each application for a certificate of registration as an intern, intern technician, pharmacist or pharmacy technician, applicants must submit a:

  1. Current police background check
  2. Declaration of Good Character

These two registration requirements help the College assess the likelihood that an applicant will practise the profession competently with decency, honesty and integrity, and in a safe manner.

Applicants who do not meet the good character requirement will have their application considered under the Minor Offences Policy or referred to a panel of the Registration Committee. The panel will review the applicant’s conduct or behaviour and determine if it is relevant to their suitability to register as a pharmacy professional. A past conviction or finding does not necessarily preclude an applicant from being registered.

The College posts charges and/or findings that are relevant to an applicant’s suitability to practice on the “Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional” section of the College website.

Police Background Check

A police background check is an objective report of an applicant’s criminal history. The College accepts an Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC) online through Sterling Talent Solutions, and will accept a police background check obtained from a local police station. The College will not accept police background checks from other jurisdictions. For more information, please see the Police Background Checks FAQs.

Declaration of Good Character

The declaration of good character is a list of questions asking about an applicant’s past conduct, character and competence. It is completed in the online application process. For more information, please see the Guidance section of the Declaration.

Expiry and Validity Dates

The police background check must have been completed within the six months prior to the final processing of the application for a certificate of registration. Extensions on the validity of police background checks will not be provided; instead a new police background check must be completed.

The Declaration of Good Character must be submitted at the time of each application.

Upon Annual Renewal

As per the Pharmacy Act, pharmacy professionals are required to self-report to the College in a timely fashion, if they:

  • Have charges or convictions for an offence in any jurisdiction
  • Are currently under investigation or has findings of professional misconduct in any profession or occupation
  • Are currently under investigation or has findings of incompetence in any profession or occupation
  • Are currently under investigation or has findings of incapacity in any profession or occupation
  • Are currently under investigation or has findings of professional negligence and/or malpractice in any profession or occupation

While self-reporting in a timely fashion is always a requirement, each registered pharmacist and pharmacy technician must complete a declaration of good character upon renewal each year.

Learn more about how the College determines if a pharmacy professional’s questionable conduct or behaviour is relevant to his or her suitability to practice pharmacy. The College posts charges and/or findings that are relevant to a registrant’s suitability to practise pharmacy or operate a pharmacy on the “Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional” section of the College website.

If you require further clarification please contact