Corporate Amendments
A Corporate Amendment occurs when there is a change to the Corporation. Examples include but are not limited to: changes to the corporate name, the addition or removal of a Director or changes to the corporate share structure.
In order to remain compliant with the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990 and College by-laws, the College must be notified within 30 days of the changes coming into effect. The type of change will determine which of the following documents are required.
An OCP Corporation Information Form is required for all Corporate Amendments
For Corporate Name changes (if applicable):
- Provide a copy of the Ministry approved Articles of Amendment
- Provide an updated copy(ies) of the signed Certificate of Shares for all registered shareholder(s) with the amended Corporate Name.
For Director(s) changes (if applicable):
- Provide a copy of your Corporation’s “Corporation Profile Report” issued by the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement – obtainable at or
This report should be printed after the changes have been applied to the Ministry’s register.
- Reminder – Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act – 142. (1) No corporation shall own or operate a pharmacy unless the majority of the directors of the corporation are pharmacists.
For Shareholder(s) changes (if applicable):
- Provide copy(ies) of the signed Certificate of Shares of all registered shareholder(s)
- Reminder – Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act – 142. (2) No corporation shall own or operate a pharmacy unless a majority of each class of shares of the corporation is owned by and registered in the name of pharmacists or in the name of health profession corporations each of which holds a valid certificate of authorization issued by the College.
Documentation may be submitted by email to, faxed to 416-847-8399 or mailed to the attention of Pharmacy Applications & Renewals at 483 Huron St, Toronto, ON M5R 2R4.
If you have any questions about the process send an email to or call 416-962-4861 ext. 3600