Pharmacy Accreditation Renewal
All accredited Pharmacies in Ontario must complete an application for renewal of their certificate of accreditation annually, on or before May 10th.
Subsection 14(1) of Ontario Regulation 264/16 under the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990, sets out the requirements to qualify for renewal. A holder of a certificate of accreditation is qualified for the renewal of that certificate if the certificate holder meets the following requirements:
- The certificate holder files a completed application in the form required by the College and pays the required fees.
- The certificate holder provides further information to the College if requested by the Registrar or the Accreditation Committee.
- All information provided by the certificate holder to the College is full, accurate and complete.
- There is no default in the payment of any fees required by the College to be paid or any money owed to the College in relation to the pharmacy.
- The past and present conduct of each person who is a certificate holder affords reasonable grounds for the belief that the pharmacy will be operated with decency, honesty and integrity and in accordance with the law.
- In the case of a corporation, the past and present conduct of each director of the corporation affords reasonable grounds for the belief that the pharmacy will be operated with decency, honesty and integrity and in accordance with the law.
- The operation of the pharmacy is in compliance with the Act, the regulations under the Act and the by-laws of the College governing the establishment and operation of the pharmacy.
The College is responsible for maintaining this process as well as providing notification and applicable timelines to the certificate holder.
All renewal fees can be found on the Schedule of Fees
Hospital Pharmacies
Every year in January, the College will directly notify the designated contact for the hospital pharmacy by email of the requirement to renew their certificate of accreditation by completing the annual renewal form and submitting it to the College with a current corporation profile report and annual renewal fee. The renewal form is paper based and available below for your reference.
Access the Hospital Pharmacy Accreditation Renewal Form
Community Pharmacies
Every year in early April, the College will directly notify the Director Liaison and Designated Manager appointed by the Director Liaison, to renew the pharmacy’s certificate of accreditation by completing the annual renewal online from within their registrant portal. For your reference, the following directions will accompany the notification for community pharmacies to assist you in the filing process.
Before you begin you will need:
- Credit Card if paying online
- User ID: This is your OCP number
- Password: If you have forgotten your password, visit our forgot password page.
Once you’re ready:
- Login to My Account
- Enter your User ID (your OCP number) and your password
- Once you have successfully logged in, select “Accreditation Renewal”
The accreditation renewal application is comprised of the following three steps. Each step must be completed to submit the application successfully:
1. Corporation Information Renewal (Must be completed by the Director Liaison)
Director Liaisons will be guided through information pertaining to the corporation which owns and operates the pharmacy/pharmacies – this information requires verification and/or updating. This information is only viewable by the Director Liaison of the corporation. A Designated Manger is not permitted to verify or update corporate information.
2. Pharmacy Information Renewal
Here, you will be guided through information pertaining to the pharmacy which requires verification and/or updating.
3. Payment
- Payment by credit card
It’s quick, easy and secure. Pay online using Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
- Payment by cheque or money order
Print and submit your Information Renewal Confirmation along with your cheque or money order made payable to the Ontario College of Pharmacists. Please write the accreditation number of the pharmacy on your payment and ensure the cheque is signed.Please ensure that all information submitted is complete and accurate, and that renewal fees are paid in full on or before May 10th.