Pharmacy Identification: It is a requirement under the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990 that all accredited community pharmacies prominently display the OCP’s Point of Care symbol in at least one main public entrance to their pharmacy.
Pharmacist Identification: All licensed community and hospital pharmacists are encouraged to wear the Point of Care symbol whenever they have contact with their patients or the public in a professional capacity.
Websites: An OCP-supplied electronic image of the Point of Care symbol must be posted on the first splash page of any pharmacy website owned and operated by an accredited Ontario pharmacy.
Business Cards: Licensed Ontario pharmacists may include the Point of Care symbol on their business cards (either in Pantone 349-Green or Black (neutral)). They may also choose to place the symbol on “generic” pharmacy business cards intended for patient reference and use.
Letterhead, Fax Covers, E-mail: Pharmacists may also place the symbol on professional or pharmacy letterhead, fax cover sheets or emails that include electronic images.
Prescription Labels and Vials: Accredited Ontario pharmacies may choose to place the Point of Care symbol on prescription vials and/or labels. The symbol can be pre-printed on vials, vial labels, or affixed separately at the time the prescription is filled.
Hospital Signage: Hospitals may choose to display the Point of Care symbol in directional signage used to help visitors/patients locate the outpatient pharmacy. The symbol cannot be used in signage used to advertise an outpatient pharmacy or its services.
To request the Point of Care sign or as an electronic file, please contact the Ontario College of Pharmacists at 416-962-4861 or email
Download the Point of Care Symbol Graphic Standards (v4).