Language Search
Using Find a Pharmacy Professional, you can locate pharmacy professionals who can provide care in a specific language. A full list of possible languages is available below. However, some languages may not have any matching pharmacy professionals.
To access the language search, click on More Search Options and enter your specific language into the search field. To better filter the results list, the language search should be combined with at least one other search criteria such as location. Please type in the language exactly as it appears in the list below.
Important Note: This information has been self-reported by the pharmacy professional. It has not been verified by the College.
Languages available to search:
- Afrikaans
- Akan
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Aramaic
- Armenian
- Azerbaijani
- Bantu (Other)
- Bengali
- Bini
- Bulgarian
- Cebuano
- Chinese
- Chinese – Cantonese
- Chinese – Chaochow (Teochow)
- Chinese – Fukien
- Chinese – Hakka
- Chinese – Mandarin
- Chinese – Shanghainese
- Chinese – Taiwanese
- Coptic
- Creoles And Pidgins: English-Based (Other)
- Creoles And Pidgins: French-Based (Other)
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dogri
- Dutch
- English
- Estonian
- Fanti
- Finnish
- French
- Frisian
- Ga
- German
- Greek Modern
- Gujarati
- Hausa
- Hebrew
- Himachali
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Igbo
- Iloko
- Indonesian
- Iranian (Other)
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kachin
- Kannada
- Khmer
- Konkani
- Korean
- Kurdish
- Lao
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Macedonian
- Malay
- Malayalam
- Maltese
- Marathi
- Ndebele: North
- Ndebele: South
- Nepali
- Norwegian
- Oromo
- Pampanga
- Pangasinan
- Panjabi
- Persian
- Philippine (Other)
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Pushto
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Shona
- Sign Language
- Sindhi
- Slavic (Other)
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Somali
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thai
- Tigre
- Tigrinya
- Turkish
- Turkmen
- Twi
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Yiddish
- Yoruba
- Zulu