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Consultation on Exemptions and Exclusions Under the ESA Now Open

Posted:Nov 20th, 2017
Read Time: < 1 Min Read

The Ontario government is seeking public input to help make workplaces fairer for workers in industries that currently have exemptions, special rules or exclusions. Ontarians are invited to have their say on important decisions related to employment standards such as wages, hours of work and public holidays. The first phase of consultations focuses on eight occupations currently exempt from some minimum employment standards, including pharmacists.

The College has been asked to provide the Ministry of Labour with a formal written submission on whether the profession’s exemptions from the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) should be maintained. Taking an approach that aligns with its mandate to serve and protect the public interest as the regulator of pharmacy in the province, the College is conducting an online open consultation to inform this submission.

Members of the public, patients, pharmacy professionals and stakeholders are invited to share their feedback.

Please visit the Consultation on Exemptions and Exclusions to the Employment Standards Act to provide your comments. The deadline for feedback is December 15, 2017.